Home / Papers / Diophantine Language / Finiteness of Word

Finiteness of Word

Diophantine Language

Finiteness of Words


[Preparation 1]
k is algebraic field.
is finite subset.
V is projective algebraic manifold over k.
D is defined divisor over k.
All the sub-manifolds are over k.
Rational point is k-rational point.

[Preparation 2]
L is rich line bundle.
|L| is complete linear system.
D is divisor of |L|.
is regular cut to D.
is approximate function to D.
is counting function to D.
is rich line bundle.
When islarge, becomes rich.
is basis of .
is embedding.

[Definition 1]

[Definition 2]
Subset of rational points \ is integer under the next condition.
(i) There exists a certain constant .
(ii) \ .

[Theorem, Faltings]
A is Abelian variety over k.
When D is reduced rich divisor, arbitrary integer subset \ is always finite set.

D is meaning minimum.
\ is word.
A is language.

From Cell to Manifold / Cell Theory / Tokyo June 2, 2007
Amplitude of Meaning Minimum / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / Tokyo December 17, 2008
Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum by Riemann-Roch Formula / Tokyo August 15, 2009

January 29
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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    Author: shinanwenku   Version: 4.3   Last Edited By: shinanwenku   Modified: 27 May 2012